“Eleven years ago, this play was my first exposure to both reading and performing Shakespeare; since then, it has crawled its way into multiple places on my bookshelves, my college admissions essays, and every available nook and cranny of my mind. This particular iteration - Julius Caesar in a historically women’s college - is one I’ve been contemplating since I was 14.

To me, Caesar is as deeply personal as it is political, and as relatable as it is a “classic.” At its core, this play grapples with jealousy, betrayal, grief, vengeance, platonic and romantic love (and the grey area in between), and the many ways relationships strengthen or break when put to the test - all themes and emotions which many college students have experienced and can identify with. By placing this show in a modern context and exploring new characterizations of long-dead characters through non-traditional casting, I hope to expand our understanding of what Shakespeare’s plays can communicate to us and find the humanity in historical figures who are (for the most part) confined to dusty textbooks.”

COMPANY: Kira Bierly (Cinna the Assassin/Strato), Marielle Buxbaum (Casca/Titinius), Laura Chen (Trebonius/Pindarus), Elizabeth Edwards (Julius Caesar), Sadie Elliott-Hart (Mark Antony), Stephanie McCullough (Artemidorus/Cinna the Poet), Grace Miller (Decius Brutus/Messala), Sita Pawar (Caius Cassius), Sierra Riley (Marcus Brutus), Jordan Roller (Metellus Cimber/Lucilius), Haley Sandlow (Calpurnia/Octavius Caesar), Abby Schindell (Flavius/Cicero/Lucius), Ishani Sharma (Marullus/Portia/Lepidus/Fight Captain)

CREATIVE TEAM: Emily Mayo (Director/Set Designer), Sophia Decherney (Stage Manager), Anna Dubey (Assistant Stage Manager), Adnan Aldabbagh (Lighting Designer), Miranda Cancelosi (Costume Designer), Lulu Levy (Dramaturg/Lights Operator), Sydney Pearson (Props Designer), Clara Pritchett (Fight Choreographer), Ishani Sharma (Poster Designer)

Photos by David Pinto

March 2022

Salomon Center

“[a] timeless play in a unique setting” - the Brown Daily Herald


Much Ado About Nothing

Song of Achilles